I’ve always loved doing crafts and projects with my kids.
In the fall, I’ve always wanted to do a jack-o’-lanterns with them. We have done them from time to time, but it was always so hard to do, and that’s why we didn’t work on this every year.
Cutting into a pumpkin is not the easiest thing and you cannot give the kind of knife it takes to make the pumpkin cuts to a child. So, it seemed to be more of a project to watch then to contribute in.
I am sharing with you something with you that made me so happy to see and try. Instead of using pumpkins we can use overgrown Zucchinis! (And for any of you who had a garden you’ve got plenty!)
I got this idea from Pam Young, author of the best selling book Sidetracked Home Executives and founder of ClubOrganized.Com.
This was a video from a few years ago when Pam was a guest on a daily NBC TV show, Afternoon Live, in her state of Washington.
Click on the image above it will take you directly to the site where the video is hosted. Let me know what you think it’s so fun to watch!
In the video Pam shares a recipe for the use of zucchini seeds, I have made it easy to get by copy and pasting it below.
I can’t wait to find out what you think of all the ideas Pam has for Zucchini Fall Fun! Post in the comments what you think! And share images of what you do with zucchinis after watching the video!
The spicing is adapted from a Martha Stewart recipe for roasted pumpkin seeds. You’ll need a large zucchini. The seeds of small zucchini are soft and juicy and will not work for this.
- Seeds from a giant zucchini
- 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
- Dash of cayenne
- Salt to taste (about half teaspoon)
- Extra virgin olive oil
To remove the seeds from your giant zucchini, scrape out the fleshy, seed-riddled center portion of the vegetable with a melon baller. Separate the large, woody seeds from the flesh. Soak in a bowl of water for a few minutes to remove more of the flesh and strings. Bring salted water to a boil, add the seeds, simmer for 10 minutes, drain.
Preheat the oven to 250 F. Spread the drained (but still wet) seeds on a baking sheet. Bake them for about 15 minutes until they are somewhat dry.
Meanwhile, combine the spices, salt and sugar. When the seeds are no longer soaked, remove them from the oven.
Turn the oven up to 325 F. Drizzle – but don’t douse – the seeds with olive oil to coat, sprinkle the seeds with the spice mixture (you may not need all of it) and mix thoroughly. Bake for about 15 minutes until the seeds are nice and toasty, stirring occasionally. Watch carefully as they can burn easily.
I can’t wait to see what you’ve done!
I really enjoyed this video, it was funny and informative. What a creative lady she is! My fave is the casserole dish LOL
Great video!
Lil behind on my emails so will definitely save for next summers garden. My kids actually love zucchini bread. They didn’t want to try it, thinking bits be gross like a vegetable, but they quickly found out how yummy n sweer it was. Will also be fun fun to make those boats for the kids too Lol.
LOVE! Let me know how it goes! Almost time for growing!