Decluttering Emotional Paper Piles

Decluttering Emotional Paper Piles

I received a question inside the Facebook group where I have been doing live videos. Alisia wrote to me asking me what to do about the papers that have accumulated due to unfortunate events that took place due to covid. She lost a guest house and there were emotional...

IGAD Disease and how to avoid it!

This is a Facebook Live video that I did and converted it to share with you here. What we do is: I chat about a topic for 15 minutes. I set a timer and you get to work doing something during that time. Today’s topic is “IGAD Disease!” So, click on...
Decluttering for a Life Change

Decluttering for a Life Change

Many people don’t need motivation to get stuff done, just the fact that it has to be done is motivation enough for them. But for us, we need a motivator. Having something that motivates us helps us immensely to stick to the mundane jobs in life. I believe what I...

Get stuff done for 15 minutes

I actually started writing this last week, but couldn’t get it done till now because what I wanted to do was not as easy as I thought it would be… If you read my last blog you know that I’ve been off the grid basically for 2 months! Well,  I...
Big Changes for The Tidy Tutor and You!

Big Changes for The Tidy Tutor and You!

It has been 2 months since my last blog. A lot has been going on, a lot has changed. I had very different plans for Tidy Tutor for 2022, I just went to look into my journal for when the idea came to me to make the changes. It was December 19th, just over 2 months ago...