Here is Day 3 of our Mini Morning and Mini Evening routine. CLICK HERE FOR DAY 1 –CLICK HERE FOR DAY 2
Today our focus was on dishes, dinner time cleanup and creating a new standard.
Putting dishes away is a part of our morning routine and being sure the dinner dishes are done before bed is part of the night time routine. Today I want you to add “dinner dishes done” to just after “Make dinner/Eat.”
There are people who would NEVER walk away from eating without cleaning up first. We’ve become accustomed to putting things off till later and it seems normal to us after a long day to walk away from the dinner table.
In day 3 video, I talk about creating a new standard and how we could get ourselves to do what we just couldn’t have before. This is a hack of my own that has works for me! Every time I find myself needing a push I do this.
Pretend you are someone else, pretend that you are playing a part in a broadway show and you are the person in your life who always cleans up after dinner, the Organizationally Gifted person who gets stuff done! Step into their shoes, pretend you’re them when you are done with dinner and watch how different it feels to do the job.
Here is modified version of our Morning and Evening routine.
- Up on Time (Right the time)
- Make bed
- Drink Water
- Clothes in Dryer (Set timer)
- Shower
- Dress
- Hair
- Face
- Pajamas Away
- Coffee
- Put dishes away
- Make/Eat Breakfast
- Clean up Breakfast
- Get clothes out of dryer
- Put clothes away.
- Check Calendar
- Make to do list
- Put things buy door
- Make Dinner / Eat
- Clean up Dinner
- Dinner dishes done
- Prepare for Bed
- Brush Teeth
- Clothes away or in hamper
- Wash a load of clothes
- All dishes done
- Bed on Time (Write the time).
Remember if you may need to make your morning and evening routines even smaller, that’s ok! Personalize it there is no routine that is too small. Make one up and stick to it. Be sure to leave comments! I will respond. Use this time to get the help you need!
With Love,
If you would like personalized help from me, email me and let me know! We will set up a time to chat!