One of my AMAZING Tidy Tutor members posted in our private Facebook group, how difficult it was for her to find motivation to de-clutter the things that belonged her daughter who had passed away…
I wanted to address this, so I did post something she could do right away regarding the overwhelm that was hitting her… but I also wanted to offer more help, so I reached out to Carol Banens… I belong to a group Carol Runs for women over 50 on Facebook and she had just happened to post about grief, and wrote of her loss.. Her husband of 4 years (but together 17 years) had passed away 3 years ago, her post offered hope and sincere empathy.
We popped on zoom and had a chat about the profoundness of the situation and things that we COULD do when faced with such defatting emotions surrounded by a loved one’s things.
We talked about how we could preserve their memory without keeping everything, and that it’s ok to do nothing… Here is a link to Carol’s website.
Let me know what you think of this interview. If you find yourself in need of this, I hope that it helps you in some way. If you have any questions or would like to share, please do.
With Love,
Thank you Kathy and Carol! This came at the perfect time for me. I am about to make some big changes and need to decluter my own home as well as my sister’s stuff which I moved from her apartment to my home in NJ after her death in December 2019. I have not been in my home almost a year basically, basically from March 2020 and returning this June. I was there a few weeks in June and September of last year. I’m on west coast taking care of grandaughter due to covid. Returning to declutter over 40 years in my home and sell it as well as home in Pocono mountains. Please pray for me to have the energy and wherewithall to tackle these tasks.
I’m so sorry for your loss Joy! And for all you’ve had to go through with the stuff left behind… Do you have any help? Please use the Facebook group for support! It sometimes is very helpful to just know there are others who know you’re working on something and that understand.
This was posted in June Joy. So sorry for the late reply, I didn’t see the comment! How are you. It has been 3 months. Let me know how you are doing. Email me