The subject of this video is housekeeping.
Why is this topic important? Why must you keep this topic in your mind always? How is it that we can want something so badly and just can’t seem to make it happen?
I believe it is Imperative to know how important house keeping is, and what it actually means to maintain success.
When we google “Housekeeper” we see women in uniform, the kind like they wear when clean hotels.
But it didn’t start with that kind of description, it’s actuallly a really important profession.
How Important is “housekeeping”? How important is “keeping House”?
Keepers at home is a phrase used in The Bible, int he book of Titus verse 2 Paul instructs elder women to teach young women to be “Keepers at home”
This is where we got the word Housekeeper. It is such a shame that it has become known as “subservient.” It is anything but that.
The quote below is from What Women don’t know (and men don’t tell you) by Michelle McKinney Hammond & Joel A. Brooks Jr.
It is a worthy profession and one to be proud of. Even our behavior is part of housekeeping, we shoujld stop gossiping and think about what energy we’re adding to our home.
Everything gives off something… Don’t you have a different feeling when you opened a closet that is a wreck after it has been cleaned up?
There was a time when ‘homemaking’ was an important job… What happened to that? That is a sociological discussion. But around 1980 you were either lazy if you stayed home, or you were a bad mother if you went to work.
This video is part of my monthly support membership We get together once a week to discuss particular topics, and it is interactive. If you’d like information about how you can be a part of this amazing community, leave a comment. or Email me at
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The Tidy Tutor
Your great Kathy. Many blessings your way. Jeannine from Brooklyn.
Ah! Too kind!
Perfect & so incredibly truthful!!! We need more people in this world like you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
AH! you are too darling. Thanks xxoo
Thank you so much Harriet!
Great message to share!
Definitely needs to become the ‘new buzz’ on internet
I love that it’s credit is from the bible.. can’t argue that one?
I also love your soft voice in this video that speaks a calm but truthful tone as you try to get out the message (from the bible)
As for uniform.. I also think it’s important that when wearing our outfits for the house that we carefully choose what we call it… I used to call my sweats n old t-shirts my grudge type clothes or my cleaning clothed (with the thought of getting dirty from deep cleaning). Some call them lazy wear… But I have been trying to mindfully change it… I don’t want to feel grudgy or lazy or dirty, so I started calling them my comfy clothes, which made me feel perky n relaxed n ready to freely move about the day.
I also started to wear my exercise clothes on days I needed to speed through the house to either get alot of basic tasks done or alot of hosue cleaning done… And cuz I really wanted to go out for walks n exercise but wasn’t quite able to, so I decided to put the clothes to use instead of letting them go.. and it worked.
Now instead of sweats n old t-shirts–which I trashed or donated, I choose to wear my jeans or knit pants so that I am always ‘dressed for the day’s..and when I wear those to start my day, it’s already in head that I AM ready to go and get things done in this house.
At night I also have a cpl pairs of super soft lounge pants and those I Do call my comfy pants, when I really need to take some down town in the evening–like cuddling up with some hot chocolate near fireplace type of vibe.
I also have a shirt that I seem to pick when I’m either to mentally drained or too stressed, that I wear… But when I wear it, it just helps me mentally aknowledge I’m having a blah day, but GTA keep going. It’s super comfy but it’s a very nice casual top that says ” I can’t adult today”
Usually on Sunday’s or in evening, or when I really need a Me day, I pull out my clearance Halloween top that says “My lazy crazy costume”… It makes me laugh when I read it, but at same time, giving myself a positive permission to take some time out for Me. To do nothing, and that it’s ok -see I have my shirt on..and then I smile at myself.
Sorry this got so long but it’s true..we really need to take homemaker as a serious job. It’s one of the toughest jobs that goes unnoticed and such a variety of levels of difficulty and easy ‘job titles’, or as you like to call ‘different hats’ that the keeper of the home has to do. When being the CEO of that home, we should be able to feel proud of our title, our job or home (place of business), and not feel bad if we have to hire (ask for help) more help to keep it afloat.
This is what you need to reiterate NOW! 7/1/2021!!
The world needs to hear this!!!!!!
Much love & many blessings!!!
Harriet Robbins ❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗🤗🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thanks Harriet for the coment!
Thank you Harriet (So sorry for the late reply. I did’t realize your comment was there)