Okay, we’ve been talking about the steps that it takes to declutter successfully and these are 3 things that have to be done. There are three rules we’ve got to follow.
The first rule is, don’t fix anything, and don’t clean anything while decluttering.
It’s normal to come across things that you feel like you have to clean, scrub, dust, or fix. But doing those things takes us off track, and when we do that the job never gets finished, and neither does the cleaning.
The second rule is, we need a schedule and a plan.
To make sure you make steady progress, it’s crucial to establish a schedule and make a plan.
We’ve got to set aside dedicated time to get it done and make it a part of our routine. Whether it’s an hour every weekend or a few minutes each day, having a planned schedule is the ticket to making it happen and seeing the changes that we want.
The third rule is, and this might seem dumb, but we’ve got to stick to the plan! DUGH! But honestly, we have to consciously make that commitment.
Here are the three rules:
Rule #1: Don’t clean or fix anything.
Rule #2: Make a schedule and a plan.
Rule #3: Stick to the plan.
Like I said, it may seem ridiculously simple, but following these rules will create such an impact. You’ll finally weed out all the clutter.
By resisting the temptation to fix or clean, staying focused on decluttering, and following a schedule, you’ll make steady progress and finally see the home of your dreams.
So that’s it 🙂
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With Love,