Confession with a Twist

Confession with a Twist

Getting organized can happen for you, but you have got to be willing to get rid of things that you don’t love, can’t use and doesn’t fit in your house or on your body. I am encouraging you on this video to really take a look at what you have. How many glasses do you...
Arts and Crafts, Organizing your life

Arts and Crafts, Organizing your life

Here is a blast from the past blog from 2015!! Because I was selling my house I was looking in areas of my attic that normally I wouldn’t bother with. I came across a box of unfinished projects I had worked on years ago and it made me think of something I wanted to...
Do it Now!

Do it Now!

This is a new habit to incorporate in your life. It is called “The Do it Now” habit. Us OCP (Organizationally Challenged People) have a warped perception of time, we think everything is going to take too long and so we say “I’ll do it...
How to De-clutter a Loved Ones Things…

How to De-clutter a Loved Ones Things…

One of my AMAZING Tidy Tutor members posted in our private Facebook group, how difficult it was for her to find motivation to de-clutter the things that belonged her daughter who had passed away… I wanted to address this, so I did post something she could do...