Sometimes we frantically rush, and other times we meander like we have all the time in the world.
This video explains how to “hurry up” and “slow down” because both are against our natures depending on the circumstances. Pacing ourselves is just not in our wheelhouse.
In our day-to-day living, we’re usually left with more things to do than time will allow because of our habit of meandering. Alternatively, during other times, we move so quickly that we forget things, drop things, creating chaos, and are left with a Tasmanian devil-type mess in our wake.
On Monday, I sent an email letting you know that I was going to share about the “Hurry up and slow down” Habit (that is a Tidy Tutor Exclusive), and this is one of those shares…
A trip I am on reminded me of how important this habit is, so I am dedicating time to sharing about it.
This video is part of my main course inside of Tidy Tutor University. It is one of the foundational lessons that we need to learn and practice.
I hope you like it! Let me know what you think.