Before I dive into today’s update, I want to provide some context, especially for those of you who might not have seen my previous email.

About a month ago, I sent a heartfelt letter to those who subscribe to get emails from me. In that letter, I opened up about some personal and professional challenges I’ve been facing. I shared how a recent health scare forced me to rethink everything, both in my personal life and as The Tidy Tutor.

I also talked about my struggles with the business side of things – the difficulty in translating my passion for helping people into a sustainable business model. I reached out asking for input. I asked who you were, what you struggled with and some personal information that would help me to talk directly to you, like what age you are, your marital status, if you had children and how old they were….

Today’s message is a follow-up to that letter. I want to thank those of you who responded and shared your thoughts with me. Thank you!

I owe you an update on what I’ve been doing since then. While I’ve been quiet publicly, I’ve been working diligently behind the scenes to improve our Tidy Tutor experience and address the issues I shared with you.

Your input is crucial as we move forward. So, whether you’re a long-time follower or new to The Tidy Tutor, I invite you to read this update with an open heart. Your thoughts and feedback are invaluable to me; I’ve been doing this for too long to give up without a fight. I believe that we can shape the future of The Tidy Tutor together and dong that will help me so much, knowing that I’ll be offering exactly waht you need and want.

Now, here’s what I’ve been working on since I contacted you last with that very honest and revealing email:

1. **New Platform**: I’m in the process of moving all our content – including the Inner Circle workshops, The Christmas Course, and The Tidy Tutor Master Class, everything- to a new platform. This new home for our community will offer several benefits:
– An app for easy access to courses on your phone without needing to login
– A dedicated community space (goodbye, Facebook algorithms!)
– Direct text messaging for important updates
And other things that will make it easier for me to manage it all.

2. **Course Improvements**: I’m revamping The Tidy Tutor Master Class into a challenge-based format. This new structure aims to make the work more engaging and manageable, helping you to complete the assignments, making it more fun.

3. **Sidetracked System Update**: For my Inner Circle members, I’ve started a workshop on how to use the original Sidetracked Home Executive System (the card box) with the newer concepts like ‘zones’ and planner use. This updated system will also be incorporated into the main Master Class.

4. **New Membership Tiers**: I’m working on creating more accessible options for everyone:
– A $7/month tier that gives you everything you need (except live support) to get results
– An annual payment option for the monthly membership
– A VIP package for those wanting personalized, exclusive help with me. (this will be done by application)

5. **Personal Development**: I’ve joined a coaching program to help me communicate more effectively and run this business in a way that’s sustainable for me and beneficial for you.

I’ll be honest – I’m still working through my fears and limiting beliefs. But helping people real-time inside the Tidy Tutor Inner Circle is what truly pushes me to move ahead. Your needs and success are what drive me to keep going.

The delay in rolling out these changes is partly due to the learning curve with the new platform. My goal is to create a system that will be easy for you and will better and allow me to continue this work I’m so passionate about.

Thank you for your patience and continued support during this transition. I’m excited about these upcoming changes and can’t wait to share them with you fully. If you have any thoughts or questions about these plans, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

PS: I’m also considering focusing more on women over 50—those retired or retiring soon, empty nesters, or downsizing. Many of my members fall into this category, and I have a special place in my heart for this group. As a woman in this stage of life, I understand how clutter and excess can hinder progress when time is of the essence. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this—does this focus resonate with you?