by Kathy Roberts | Aug 8, 2023 | Blog |
This week, we’re diving into the theme of keeping our houses clean and tidy on a regular basis. I’ve got two essential tips to share with you today that will make a world of difference. First up, let’s talk about the ‘it goes where it...
by Kathy Roberts | Aug 3, 2023 | Blog |
(FYI) The video is poor quality, sorry about that. Please just listen as if it was a podcast if it annoys you. 🙂 The theme for this month is keeping the house clean on a regular basis and how to do that. The first thing we have to address is our warped perception of...
by Kathy Roberts | Jul 19, 2023 | Blog |
This is an email I sent out this week, (July 17, 2023, to be exact) I thought it should be on my website. I would love it if you commented and let me know your thoughts. OK, I have to tell you first that this feels weird… but I’m writing it anyway. I hope...
by Kathy Roberts | Jun 26, 2023 | Blog |
Here’s something super easy that you can get rid of without having to take a lot of time wondering if you should or shouldn’t get rid of it. All of your throw-one clothes! Everything that you have that you would wear in the house, but not out of the house....
by Kathy Roberts | Jun 11, 2023 | Blog |
If you are following me, you probably have heard of Marie Kondo. She’s an organizing guru who became well known after writing her book: “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up.” I read the book, and I agree with many of her principles, but I was really upset by her...
by Kathy Roberts | Sep 30, 2022 | Blog |
If we want to become organized, we need to say NO any time that it conflicts with what we need to do and what we’ve planned. Saying no is something that Organizationally Gifted people never have a problem with. They immediately say they need to check their...