For this Motivation Monday we’re going to work 15 minutes a day on something that we’ve been putting off, something we wish was done or would make us really happy to have done.

It could be the trunk of your car, or inside the car… Maybe the refrigerator or your bedroom… You could choose just one drawer in your dresser or one shelf in the bathroom.

Maybe it’s not housework, maybe there are insurance papers you have not filed but should, your taxes, a phone call you need to make but keep putting off, anything that you can think of that would make you relieved and happy to get done.

Here are the rules:

  • Make an appointment with yourself.
  • When will you do it? Get it on the calendar (Days and time)
  • Set a timer for 15 minutes and get to work on the thing you’ve determined till the timer goes off.
  • Do it every day till it’s done.

Leave a comment let me know if you are going to do this, leave a comment letting me know about your success!

Don’t think 15 minutes is not enough time, you won’t believe how much you’ll get done!
