I’m excited to share another blog from 2014, continuing our theme of minimalism. This post is titled “Exploring Minimalist Living (Continued),” and it delves into my personal journey with minimalism, how it challenged my perceptions, and the profound impact it had on my life. If you haven’t read last week’s post, make sure to check it out too! Now, let’s dive in.

Recently, I have been exploring minimalism.

At first, I thought it was so not necessary for me or my people. In our Tidy Tutor world, we already de-junk. We realize that our number one obstacle is too much stuff, and we have a plan to get rid of things systematically, to live life without clutter. This plan works really great for us.

So, I figured, why go after minimalism? We are minimalists, we just don’t call ourselves that.

Still, after I went to see “The Minimalists” in NYC on their book tour, I decided to do my regular routine of de-junking with a minimalist mindset, just for the hell of it.

And something happened. I began to see the things that I owned, the things I thought I wanted, the things I kept intentionally, in a different light.

It made me realize that I had a programmed identity attached to my things. This made me see that one of the reasons I had such a hard time getting rid of things in the past and why I decided to keep particular things now was because if I identified with my stuff, then possibly getting rid of my things was equivalent to getting rid of me.

Well, this is my third week moving forward with this, and while talking to my girlfriend on the phone, preparing the house for a houseguest I am having on Monday, she said something to me that uncovered another layer of understanding.

She said that when she lived in her efficiency apartment years ago with very few things, she never once resented taking care of it or the things she owned.

It made me realize some really life-altering things.

I spend entirely too much time taking care of this big house and its things. But when I had my family intact, raising them, I never felt as if I was being put out taking care of my house or the things in it.

When I was in a big mess, sure it sucked, but I didn’t feel the dread I feel now when I have to maintain where I live… and I am not in a mess here at all.

I am living a life that has changed because I have changed. I have gotten older, I have gotten divorced, my children have grown… but I am trying to hold onto what I used to be.

I am no longer a young mother with young children. I am no longer setting up the house for my family to feel secure in. I am no longer playing the role I was for so very long.

Taking care of this house feels like I am losing precious time. We only have this one life to live.

I believe that being a minimalist is really about being our authentic selves. And finding out that our possessions say way more about us and how we live life than we believed.

2024 note: I have a minimalist Facebook group that I started a while back but never kept up with. If you’re interested in joining and would like to see it revived, let me know! Your feedback will help me decide if we should bring it back to life. CLICK HERE TO JOIN US!

Much Love to YOU!
The Tidy Tutor